
Quotes testifying my approach and work

I share the quotes in the language I read them. This can be Italian, English or German.

"The secret of Yoga lies in the fact that it deals with the entire man, not with just one of his aspects. "

Indra Devi, 1960: Yoga for you. Preston: A. Thomas & Co.

"Yoga is a timeless pragmatic science evolved over thousands of years dealing with the physical, moral, mental and spiritual well-being of man as a whole."

B.K.S. Iyengar, 1977: Light on Yoga. New York: Schocken Books.

"Q: Can Yoga cure disease?

A: Yoga cannot cure anything. The healing work is done by nature. Yoga exercises can only help remove impurities and obstructions, so that nature may be given a chance to accomplish her task successfully."

Indra Devi, 1960: Yoga for you. Preston: A. Thomas & Co.