Past HOLON Purifying Retreats

Aprile 2024

Allgäu, Germany
17 - 21 April 2024


Everyday routines start to fade away upon arrival at the retreat location. Time, place, habits, schedules, tasks, responsibilities lose their significance and the retreat program takes over in its place. A program designed to benefit you physically and mentally. A program offering space for thoughts, emotions, ideas and visions that have too little space during a busy week.

But how beneficial can a retreat be when you return to reality, where there is no space for three times yoga a day, a morning foot bath ritual, two shiatsu sessions a week, fresh cold-pressed juices, home-cooked raw vegan dishes, meditation before going to bed, a morning walk in the countryside, … ?

For sure - it is definitely much, much better than no retreat at all. And yet, it's a drop in the ocean. No matter how well we design the retreat program and optimise detoxification and purification effects within a short period of five days, it will always be our everyday routines on more than 300 days a year that decide our overall well-being. That is why we want to inspire you with our retreats to integrate appropriate, easy, enjoyable, healthy habits into these 300 days to lay the foundations for your general well-being. We want to make you feel, taste and realise that healthy habits are not some tedious, boring alternative, but can be incredibly pleasant and delightful if one knows how to go about it.

At our April retreat, the first one in Germany, we had the honour of welcoming nine wonderful guests who were ready to return home with some healthy new routines. But the big question was: how?

How does one modify everyday routines to make them work for you instead of against you?

How does one get started?

How can you find the right dosage of new habits?

How can it all be made sustainable?

How can beneficial routines be created that are feasible for a business owner, employee, freelancer, mother, father, …?

How can one conjure up a quick, tasty, healthy and maybe even portable breakfast so it can even be eaten at work in front of the computer screen?

How can you quickly put together a balanced dinner without spending too much time in the kitchen after work, when you are already tired or would rather be doing other things?

How can one source organic ingredients without spending a fortune?

How does one sprout buckwheats or seeds with a nine to five job?

How can sports and workouts be integrated in a beneficial way?

How ...?

We discovered some answers to all these questions and will be looking forward to seeing how you put your positive habits into practice! Thanks for joining our April retreat Kim, Matthias, Maike, Elisabeth, Katja, Yvonne, Stefan, Vicky and Bruno!

Thanks for the beautiful stay, Christian and Das Rosso.

Thanks for co-organizing, Viktoria and SUKHA.

We are looking forward to our upcoming retreats.