Upcoming HOLON Purifying Retreats

Individually customised and tailored

An individual HOLON Purifying Retreat is geared
to your needs, mental and physical condition as well as
any exceptional personal circumstances past or present,
such as pregnancy (pre- or postnatal) or
an injury and recovery from it.


Individual doesn't refer to the number of guests. It refers to the individual approach to the retreat.

Individual retreats are planned and organized according to individual requests, demands, needs, objectives, timing, location,...

This means your input is the guideline, the retreat is the “response”.


Next to your individual objective, the retreat is designed to purify you from the inside out within a short period of five days without any harsh detox measurements like fasting or an enema. The purification process is pleasing and pleasant, but effective. It is based on three pillars: nutrition, movement and purifying treatments like foot baths and shiatsu.


The retreat offers a full program that is upon agreement.

Usually retreat days start at 7:30 a.m., spanning the whole day and ending with a guided meditation at 10 p.m.

The retreat includes full board, featuring the most delicious and most clean Italian cuisine by Tobias Levels.

Time to reconnect and purify from the inside to return closer to your natural state and full glow.


Dependent on the guests.

Possible languages: English, Italian, German.


The individual retreats can either take place at your space if it offers all requirements to host a private retreat or at locations we offer.

Timing & Prices

upon agreement